Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013

We Love... AWKWARD.

Because it's so real! Awkward. is a MTV Show starring a High School teenager whose life is truely awkward.
 Jenna Hamilton used to be a quite normal teenager. Until she became "That Girl" that tried to kill herself. Accidentally. Adding up with the fact that she lost her viginity to the hottest guy in school and now having him as well as his best friend fighting for her make the whole situation arround the young blogger more awkward. What else is awkward? Let's see...

1. Her parents. They're kind of awesome. Far too young to be parents, what makes them kinda hilarious because they're a little swamped with all the responsibility and how to deal with the whole parenting thing.

2. Her BFFs. On the one hand we have Ming. A chinese girl who has trouble dealing with "The Mafia" because she's not a staight-A-student in contrast to all of the other chinese kids. On the other hand there is Tamara. All crazy, hyperactive and simply amazeballs! She has kinda her own language, parts of which you can check out on the pic.

3. The guidance counselor. She is...ineffable! Clogs and fannypack included. You have to see her!

4. Jenna's life. Of course!! All messed up with secrets, little white lies, gossip and random High School crap.

Summing up it could seem as if it's just another one of the random High School movies. IT IS NOT! It's down-to-earth and straight forward, hilarious and touching all at once. It's simply awkward.

You're welcome! V

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